
OHS-Over head squats 2HS-Two hand swings 1HS-One hand swing CP-Clean and Press PP-Push Press MP-Military Press CJ-Clean and Jerk OALC-One arm long cycle TGU-Turkish Get-Up WU/JM-warm up and joint mobility AMRAP-as many rounds as possible

Friday, April 29, 2011

3 Mile Fire Dept.

WM/JM x 10min
A1. Snatch-Press x 8Left/8 Right or Doubles
A2. 2HS x 20
3 Sets 1min rest between sets
Rest 2 min
B1. Clean and Jerk x 10 Left / 10 Right or doubles
B2. Halo x 10Left/ 10Right
3 Sets 1min rest between sets
Rest 2min
Two Hand Anyhow x 6Left/ 6Right
Figure 8s x 30
2 sets 1min rest between sets
Rest 2min
C1. TGU x 3Left/3 Right

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Lower Body Workout

Cant use my arm so I did a lower body workout
JM/WU x 15min
5 Rounds
Pistol Squat 5left / 5right
Walking Lunge 16kg x 20
Deck Squat x 10
Box Jump 24" x 10
V-ups x 10
Sit-ups x 10

Tabata Jacks for cool-down
not very challanging-hopefully I can go back to regular training next week.

The decendents of Andreas Killian

Fred Killian-RKC 2
Killsport Kettlebells
Luka Killian-King
Little Brother

Greg Killian - RKC 2
Cross Fit Belmar

Maxwell Killian-Nephew
Swinging 10lb KB age 3
Alexander Killian-"little Bro"

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Great great great great great grandpa Andreas Killian and Family

Right off the boat from Southern Germany-Turns out were not Irish

Wednesday April, 27

Same workout as last night- Tracys 300 swings

3 Mile Fire Dept.
"Combat Kettlebells" from Joey Alvarado
This will be a GREAT break from KBM- lots of variety.
Pretty bumbed about my shoulder, not sure what to do with myself.
The fact that its more of burning sharp pain makes me think its a tendon issue, seeing a PT next week.
Today I did several sets of pistol squats 5 at time on each leg.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


WU/JM x 15min
2HS x 1min/ 20 sec rest
Alt. Swings x 1.25min/ 20 sec rest
Swing 2L/2R x 1.5min/ 20 sec rest
Swing 5L/5R x 1.75min/ 20 sec rest
Swing 10L/10R x 2 min/ 20 sec rest
Should get about 300 swings
Core Cool Down x 10 min

Borrowed from Tracy Reifkinds blog

Monday, April 25, 2011

Last Day of Kettlebell Muscle-Heavy Day

Thank God its over!!!
Unfortunatly I won't be able to complete my workout do to some shoulder pain.  Those presses are killing me so I left them out, just did squats and cleans.  I will take a week off from lifting to rehab whatevers going on, mostly likely an overuse injury do to demonstrating in class on my right side all the time.  I will do only joint mobility exercises-30 minutes everyday, ride my bike and hike this week.  Then its onto fat burning and GS training. 

Heavy Day KBM
DCL x 5
DMP x 5
FSQ x 5
DPP x 5
FSQ x5
6 sets / 90sec rest

Canyons morning class
Joint Mobility x 15min
Dirty 30
30 reps of each exercise
Walking Lunge
Box Jump
Air Squats

Cooled down with some core work w/ medicine ball.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Skeaster Funday!!!

 Got out the snowmobiles for some spring skiing.  The snow was super crusty and really hard to turn in in the morning, by afternoon it was perfect. Great weather, great people, great day!!!

Friday, April 22, 2011

Backyard OAJLC

60 degrees and snowing, not sure spring will come this year.
Practicing the OAJLC got 11 rpm which is a good pace if I can maintain it for 10min.  I was using my phone as a timer and at 1min 40sec in it starting ringing so I lost focus trying to see who it was.  Still felt pretty easy, I haven't worked out yet today so I only did a 2min practice set.

Last Light Day of KBM

DSW x5
DSN x 5
SSP x 5
7 sets/ 75" rest

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Last Week Of Kettlebell Muscle

Medium Day
7 sets/90 sec rest
Cant wait to be done.

The class at the canyons did an endurance workout Joey Alvarado style. 

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

What a jerk!

Haley Estes of West Texas Kettlebells got the competition bug in my ear.
Thought Id test out my camera so I can send clip to Jared Sarvik(GS coach) to tweak my horrible form.( constructive coments welcome.) This is just a quick 30sec set with a 16kg comp. bell.
Things Ive noticed I need to work on:
Lock out is shakey at times
Snapping my hips -(hardstyle not efficient for GS sport)
Pulling my rack- I need to "drop" the bell back into position.
Weak grip- usually grip fails at 3min in.

Monday, April 18, 2011


WM/JM x 10min
A1. Snatch-Press x 8Left/8 Right
A2. 2HS x 20
3 Sets 1min rest between sets
Rest 2 min
B1. Clean and Jerk x 10 Left / 10 Right
B2. Halo x 10Left/ 10Right
3 Sets 1min rest between sets
Rest 2min
Two Hand Anyhow x 6Left/ 6Right
Figure 8s x 30
2 sets 1min rest between sets
Rest 2min
C1. TGU x 3Left/3 Right
Complete all of set A before starting B and so on.
Looked tough Im glad I didn't have to do it!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

KBM Heavy Day

WU/JM x 10min
DCL x 5
DMP x 5
FSQ x 5
DPP x 5
FSQ x 5
5 sets/ 90 sec rest
Looking foward to finishing this program, Im bored with it. Think I gained 3lbs not sure there are always variables.

For my own record- planted onion sets, swiss chard, spinach and carrots today.

Friday, April 15, 2011

KBM Light Day

Warm-Up and Joint Mobility
Here is an example of the warm-ups we do.
Sometimes I do Steve Maxwells Daily Dozen but since today is a light day I  will do a little extra "warm-up".
5min on the speed bag
10 min body weight warm-up-30sec each exercise:
1.Jumping jacks           2. High Knees
3.Alt. Stretch Kicks     4.Hip rotations
5. Good Morn. stretch 6.Prisoner Squats w/ kick
7.High Plank                8. Superman Pose
9. Scorpion                10. Low Side Plank(each side 30")
11.Bicycle Crunch      12.Sit-ups
13.Leg Raises             14.Rocking Chair
15.Shrimp Drill            16.Upa Drill
17.Deck Squat            18.HIndu Push-ups

Me 2 x12kg
Pat 2 x 16kg
Nick 2 x 16kg
DSW x 5
DSN x 5
SSP x 5
6 sets/75"rest
Followed by 10 min of stretches.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

KBM Medium week 5

DHP x 5
DSN x 5
DMP x 5
FSQ x 5
6 sets/ 90" rest

Canyons am
WU/JM x 10min
AMRAP in 10min
C and P ladders 3-2-1
Rest 2-3min.
AMRAP in 10min
1/2 TGU x 5/5
Racked or OH Lunge x 5/5
Rest 2-3min.
Swings x 30"work/30 rest x 10min

Canyons pm

WU/JM x 10min
4 sets
Alternating swing
Mountain Climbers
Clean and Press R
Clean and Press L

6/6 TGU

Monday, April 11, 2011


WU/JM x 10min
TGU x 10 min
2 min rest
One Arm Rows x 5/5
Goblet Squat x 5/5
AMRAP in 10min
2 min rest
2HSwing x 10min
30" work/ 30" rest

I did KBM Heavy day- right shoulder is bothering me so the presses were a little tough today.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

KBM Heavy Day!

DCL x 5
DMP x 5
DSQ x 5
DPP x 5
DSQ x 5
4 sets/ 90 " rest

Pat and Nick did there workout tonight at the firehouse, I will do mine tomorrow.
Two days of skiing 28" of fresh snow was a great way to finish the season at Lost Trail,  there is still plenty of opportunity to ski with snowmobile( as long as its runnin.)

Friday, April 8, 2011

KBM Light Day

Double swing x 5
Double snatch x 5
See Saw Press x 5
5 sets/ 75" rest

My experience with KBM is very different this time around.  I tried KBM last year and stopped at 4 weeks in do to gaining to much weight.  So far I have not gained any weight and don't feel as hungry or tired.  I think I am generally stronger then last year and the double 12kgs do not seem to be as big of a challenge with exception to the double snatches. 

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Tune Up

Today at the Canyons we revisited basic kettlebell moves to ensure proper lifting and breathing techniques.  I think it was worth the time,  often with complacency comes injury.  We went over the swing, clean, press, snatch and jerk, breaking down each move into segments and breathing patterns.    Even though we didn't get as much cardio in as usual it was still a good workout with plenty of physical demand.

I started week 4 of KBM
Medium Day
DHP x 5
DSN x 5
DMP x 5
FSQ x 5
5 sets / 90" rest
Pat and Nick will do this at the firehouse tonight

Everyone else will do same work out as Tuesday nights class.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Tuesday @ Canyons

WU/JM 10'
30" each exercise x 4 sets
Do all 4 sets and repeat
2 min rest between sets

A.) Clean L
Clean R
Press L
Press R
One Arm Row L
One Arm Row R

B). Swing L
Swing R
Snatch L
Snatch R
Push-Press L
Push-Press R

C). Alternating Lunge L rack
OH Squat L
Alternating Lunge R rack
OH Squat R
Figure 8
Deck Squat

D.) 1/2 TGU L
1/2 TGU R
Armbar Crunch
Triangle leg raises
Coffin sit-up

Monday, April 4, 2011


AMRAP in 12 minutes
Clean x 5L/R
Jerk x 5L/R
Snatch pull x 5
Lunge x 5L/R
Push-ups x 10
Rest 2 min
Swing x 5L/R
Snatch x 5L/R
Goblet Squat x 5
One Arm Rows x 5L/R
Burpees x 10

I did KBM heavy day- squats sucked after 2 days of skiing soup and ice.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

KBM-Heavy day: (

Pat and Nick will continue at the firehouse, I will do my workout tomorrow
DCL x 5
DMP x 5
DFS x 5
DPP x 5
DFS x 5
5 sets / 2min rest.

Sue and Melvin
2H swing, 1H swing(15 2hs- 10 ohs)
Clean-Press-OH squat 8-6-4
Backward lunge pass x 15/15
High Pull x 10/10
3 sets

TGU x 4/4
Plank x 1min
1 set

Friday, April 1, 2011

KBM Light Day: )

Going to the Y with Sonya
Pat will continue at the firehouse
6 Sets
DSW x 5
DSN x 5
SSP x 5
90" rest

3 Mile Fire Dept.
Clean x 3 min. alternate every 30"
3 sets
Snatch x 2 min. alternate every 30"
3 sets
TGU x 5 min. alternate every 2reps