
OHS-Over head squats 2HS-Two hand swings 1HS-One hand swing CP-Clean and Press PP-Push Press MP-Military Press CJ-Clean and Jerk OALC-One arm long cycle TGU-Turkish Get-Up WU/JM-warm up and joint mobility AMRAP-as many rounds as possible

Monday, October 31, 2011

Friday and Monday - Happy Halloween

JM x 10min

Deck of Cards
Diamond= Push Ups
Club = Thruster
Spades= High Pull


JMx 10min

We will be strating the Beautiful Badass program for the ladies and Spartan program for the men so today we are figuring out which weights to use.
Ladies need 10 RM on Deadlifts and OH Press
Men need 1 RM Deadlift and Bench

My workout
Deadlift  6x5 135lbs
Chinup 6x5
OH BB Press 6x5 65lbs
Plank ALAP x 3

Later in the day
20kg x 10L/10R x 5

Sunday, October 30, 2011

When Fat Loss is Your Goal

Last week I had a potential client come meet with me who has a very specific fat loss goal in mind.  He asked me an interesting question- "How long will take you to get me to loose 50 lbs".   The fact is I cant get you to loose weight.  The success of your fat loss goal is directly related to the effort you and only you put into it.  When training for fat loss nutrition has to be your number one priority- I can guide you on making smart choices but ultimaltly it is up to you to choice what you will actually eat.  Strength     training  is the next biggest factor of your program, building muscle will increase metabolism which cause you to burn more calories and utilized stored energy (aka fat)  As your strength coach I can design programs and train you to do the programs correctly, but it is up to you to show up, train hard and give 100% effort.  
Eat smart and train hard and you will be very pleased with the results.  You will take pride in knowing the successes you have achieved were accomplished because you took control, you ate to fuel your body, you stepped up to heavy weights and fearlessly lifted them,  you made it through training sessions you previously thought were impossible.
I can guide you through your program but its up to you to make it successful.  Everyone has the potential for a healthier body and higher level of fitness.

Thursday, October 27, 2011


Strength Conditioning-Go Heavy
BB Deadlift 3x5
KB Floor Press 3x5
KB DBL Military Press 3x5

100 Swings no rest

Core Conditioning
A1. KB Clams x 15
A2. KB Sit-up x 20
A3. Leg Raise to Bump x 25
x 3 Rounds

B1. Hanging Knee Raise x 15
B2. Floor Wipers w/BB x 20
B3. Heavy Push x 25
x 3 Rounds

High Pull 30"Right 30" Left 30" Rest

I followed this up with OA Jerks
24kg 5L/5R x 4 sets

Monday, October 24, 2011

Monday October 24

WU/JM x 10min

5 Rounds For Time
Box Lunge x 5/5
Glute/Ham Bridge on Bench x 5/5
Pull Up x 5
Push Press x 5/5( Go Heavy)
Swing x 5(Go Heavy)

Tabata Hindu Squats

Im working on OA Jerks today trying to prepare for IKFF Cert on Sunday.
24kg jerk 5L/5R
24kg jerk 4L/4R
24kg jerk 3L/3R x 3
2x 16kg jerk x 5
2x 12kg jerk x 10

I will work on snatches this afternoon.

Friday, October 21, 2011


WU/JM x 10min
 5 min at each station 1 min rest between
2.OA Row x 8/8  Goblet Squat x 8
3.Clean x 8/8 Windmill x 4/4
4.Halo x 8/8 Round the Knee Pass x 8/8
5. Snatch x 8/8  Lunge x 8/8

I was not planning on doing this workout today do to not feeling well and so I could practice for Level 2 Cert. next weekend but ended up doing it anyway with a light weight, (20lbs)
Before this workout:
Double KB Clean and Jerk x 20 2x12kg
Double KB Jerk x 20 2x12kg
Rest 2min
Snatch 50 Left 12kg
Snatch 50 Right 12kg no rest switching hands once -took 6min 30 sec.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Thursday-My Rest Day

Rest day for me
For everyone else:
WU/JM x 10min

Double Push Press x 10
25 yard sprint
Heavy Swing x 10
25 yard sprint
x 3 rounds x 2 sets

Farmers Carry x 25 yard
One KB Push Press x 3L/3R (Go Heavy like Mikael Jo: )

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Tuesday Wednesday

JM WU x 10min
1 min each exercise
A1.Jumpin  Split Squat
A2.Knee up Push Ups
A3. Alt. Hip Heist
X 3 Rounds

B1.Scorpion  Push Up
B2.Clench Sprawls
B3.KB Alt. High Pull
X 2 Rounds

C1.KB Figure 8 to Hold
C2.Elbow to Knee Plank
C3.Alt. Round House on Bag
X 2 Rounds

Pulled from Geoff Neuperts Blog
WU/JM x 10min
Chin Ups x 10,8,6,6
Dips x 10,12,15,12
Pistol Squats x 5L/5R x 4

Tabata Burpees

I also worked on face the wall handstands and double kb jerks 2 x 12kg 4 rounds of 10

Sunday, October 16, 2011


Chi Gong warm up x 10min

Snatch practice x 10min
-For my set I did first 5 min with 16kg doing 1-2-3 ladders (72reps) than went down to the 12kg for Snatch test- Completed 120 snatches in 5 min.  doing 10L 10R (normally I do the snatch test with 16kg -since it was a ten minute set I went down to 12kg)

AMRAP in 15min(I used 16kg)
 Lunge  5/5
1/2 TGU 5/5
T2B 5 or Foor Wiper 10

Finisher x5 Rounds(Used 12kg)
30"RH swing
30"LH swing

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Friday the 14th

Happy Birthday to my little bro Luka he is 4 years old today.

Chi Gong warm up 10min
8 restorative moves x 8 times each
I did this warm up at least 7 times with the classes today and loved it.

Deadlift 3x5

Partner up- one partner does body weight drills while the other completes their KB drills
A1. Swings x 30
A2. Box Jumps
x 2 sets

B1.Cean(against the wall) x 15 L/R
B2.Push up
x 2 sets

C1.Press(Slow against the wall)x 10 L/R
C2.One Leg Deadlift (no weight-form practice)
x 2 sets

D1.Face the Wall Squats x20
x 2 sets

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Wednesday Oct. 12

WU/JM x 10min
TGU x 5 min

Practicing the jerk today.  Just a few to get the idea, we will work more on this throughout the month before we will incorporate it into the workouts.

Every 3min for 30 min
One arm swing 5/5
C and J 5/5
Thruster 5/5
Snatch 5/5

Monday, October 10, 2011

Columbus Day

ISKC does not observe Columbus Day so get to work.
WU/JM x 10min
Without putting the bells down.
Double Farmers Carries w/ Double Front Squat x 5 every minute for 5 minutes.

AMRAP in 20 minutes
5 Pull-Ups
10 Push Ups
15 Squats

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Friday Oct. 7

WU/JM x 10min
Ladders 1-2-3
Clean and Press (beginners)
1 Snatch 1 Press (advanced)
x 10min

5 One Arm Rows L/R
5 KB Goblet Squat (beginners)
5 OH BB Squat(advanced)
x 15min

H2H Swings x 30sec on 30sec off x 10

(I did the snatch press w/ 12kg OA Rows w/ 16kg and OH Squats w/ 65lbs and Swings 16kg)
Rachelle and Geoff did the OH Squats for the first time and did awesome.  I love the intensity and dedication these two put into their training.  They know why they are and they get right down to work!

Thursday, October 6, 2011


As Ive talked about in past blogs there always seems to be a common theme among my clients,  this month was results.  I have several clients reporting that they are fitting into jeans they have never been able to wear,  some have seen numbers on the scale they haven't seen in years,  Ive seen clients doing multiple dead hang pull ups despite the fact that they could not even do one when they started,  women who told me they didnt want to lift over 20lbs out of fear of injury or bulkiness are doing 90lb deadlifts and doing perfect push ups when they could not do one on their knees just a few weeks prior.  I can go on but I wont.  Point is these clients are seeing results not because Im a good trainer but because they dedicated themselves to their strength training and good nutrition.  They work hard, really hard, and eat proper foods that fuel them, not work against them.  Im so proud of everyone who has been training with me, its been awesome and inspiring to watch all of you gain confidence and strength.  I cant wait to see what the next couple of months brings.

In addition I want to add that the Iron Sport Kids Club is alot of fun.  My favorite part of the kids class is:
"That looks to hard, Im really bad at that"
"Theres no way I can do that"
"Ok Ill try it"
"OMG I did it"
"I want to do it again"
Seeing kids empower themselves to try new things and succeed has been great.  I havent had a lot of experience teaching kids and Ill admit they take advantage of that, but Im learning how trick them into learning new skills without them knowing it.   I find it amusing when ever I dont want them to work on the agility ladder they are all over it, doing perfect drills, but if I ask them to do something they turn into a bunch of knuckleheads.  I know they are listening and learning they just need to do some things on their own terms and Im ok with that.

Stability Training

5 Reps each
5 Sets

Bottom Up Press L/R
Pistol Squat L/R
One Leg Deadlift L/R
No Hand TGU L/R

Handstand Practice 30 ALAP

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Lucky 7s

WU/JM x 10min

Windmill x 5L/5R x 3(Set 1 -12kg Set 2-16kg Set3- 20kg)

4 Rounds For Time
7 of Each Exercise
Snatch L/R (Advanced do doubles)(Dbl 12kgs)
Thrusters L/R(Dble 12Kgs)
Floor Wipers L/R(Barbell or Double KB)(95#)
Pull Up
Jump Squat
Push Ups
Press L/R

Sprints 30"on 30" off x 5

Active Recovery Day

WU/JM x 10min
1min at each station 30 seconds rest between x 3 sets
1. Med. Ball Slam in Plank
2. Toes to Bar
3. Ducking Drill to Upper Cut under Rope
4. Box Jumps
5. Deck Squat to Sprawl

Went for a nice walk with Tina around Lolo Lakes.  We will be walking every Tuesday at 8:30 am as part of active recovery, anyone is welcome to join us.  Meet at Iron Sport.

Monday, October 3, 2011

October 3 Monday

WU/JM x 10min


Ladder Down Ladder Up
10-1 KB Front Squat
1-10 KB Swings

10-1 Lunges
1-10 One Arm Rows

10-1 Push Ups

I did the deadlifts then a GS Set today instead of the classes workout-
OAJLC 16kg
30"on 30"off x 5min Rigt
30"on 30"off x 5min Left
1min on 30"off x 2.5min Right
1min on 30"off x 2.5min Left
100 Reps in 15min

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Friday Sept 30

WU/JM x 10min
Double Clean x 5 (Did first 3 of every set with dbl 20kg then 2 w/ dbl 16lg)
Double Swing x 5 (dbl 16kg)
5 Rounds

AMRAP in 15min
2 Hand Anyhow (12kg in oh lock out and 20lb in other hand) x 3L/3R
Renegade Rows (12kg) x 5L/5R
Ended up doin 7 rounds

Tabata burpees

Played first hockey game of the season after this workout, yikes!