
OHS-Over head squats 2HS-Two hand swings 1HS-One hand swing CP-Clean and Press PP-Push Press MP-Military Press CJ-Clean and Jerk OALC-One arm long cycle TGU-Turkish Get-Up WU/JM-warm up and joint mobility AMRAP-as many rounds as possible

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Hellgate Rollergirls

Super psyched to introduce Russian Kettlebell Training to the Roller Derby Teams tonight.
We'll start with an introduction to the basics-Military Press, Deadlift, Squat, Turkish Get-Up and of course the Swing.  Then onto a demo endurance set:
12 Stations 30"work/30" work/ 30" rest
We'll alternate bodyweight, kettlebell and medicine ball exercises.

These ladies are already in great shape with very powerfull legs- totally smoked when I tried to skate with them.  With a little extra training they will be unstoppable-Grand Slams every bout.

Last Day at Canyons

Sad to say it was the last day at the Canyons-
had a great time, hope you all come visit the new gym.

Medicine Ball and Joint Mobility Warm Up x 10m
Set 1 x2
Halo Squat x 9 (each direction)
2 Hand Anyhow x 6 (each side)
TGU to 5 Snatches x 3 (each side)

Set 2 x 2
W/ Medicine Ball-Partner work
10 One Leg Deadlift to wall touch / Wall sit
20 Push up -Pass ( One hand on ball)
25 Sit up -Toss

Farmers Walk down the stairs-OH walk out the door.
Thanks so much to folks who came regurlarly to the class.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Tuesday June 28th

Working out at home today so I was limited on KB size
WU/JM x 10min
A1. One Arm KB Floor Press (16kg)
A2. One Arm Row (16kg)

B1.Racked Squat (16kg)
B2. Romanian Deadlift (2x16kg)

C1.Military Press (16kg)
30 Sec rest between exercises and 1min between sets

25 Push Ups
50 Bodyweight Squats

ISFC Opens July 6th will be running soon.

Monday, June 27, 2011

June 27th

JM x 10 min
Medicine Ball warm-up
20reps each
Waist twister
Wood choppers
Diagonal Wood Choppers
Figure 8s
Squat Circles

5 reps x 5 sets
A1. Double Clean and Press
A2. Double Bent Over Row
B1. Double Front Squat
B2. Double Swing
30 sec rest between exercises- 3 min rest between sets

Turkish Get-Up x 5 L/R x 2 sets

Friday, June 24, 2011


Warm UP/Jm x 10min
5 sets of 5 reps (each side as applies)
1min rest between sets
2mn rest between exercises
Complete 5 sets of each exercise before moving on to the next
A.Dead Clean and Press(one arm)-3 sets w/ 16kg 2 sets w/ 30lb
B.Double KB Rows-2x16kg
C.Suitcase Dead Lift-2x16kg
D.One arm snatch-16kg

2 sets of TGU x 5L/Rx16kg

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Brawling Mollies!!!

Had the awesome opportunity to roller skate with the Brawling Mollies roller derby team last night.  I haven't been on skates since the 80s so I was a little slow.  Deffinately a strong group of women, can't wait to introduce them to kettlebell training.  I know they will all love the aggresive nature of kettlebell exercises.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Happy Summer!

WU/JM 15min
30sec each exercise 2mn rest between rounds
Round 1                 Round 2                   
Swing  L                 Snatch L
Swing R                  Snatch R
Jump Squat             Jump Lunge
Bottom up L           Plank Row L
Bottom Up R          Plank Row R
Front Squat L         One Leg Deadlift L
Front Squat R         One Leg Deadlift R
See Saw Press        Snatch Pull
Push Up                  Plank Complex
Figure 8                  Figure 8 to hold

Round 3                  Round 4
Highpull L                Thruster L
Highpull R                Thruster R
Sprawl                     Hindu push up
Windmill L               Elbow to knee Press L
Windmill R               Elbow To knee Press R
Suitcase lift L           OH Squat L
Suitcase Lift R         Oh Squat R
1/2 TGU L              Halo L
1/2 TGU R              Halo R
Mt. Climber             Arm Bar Crunch

Monday, June 20, 2011

Good to be Back!

Sooo happy to back home and teaching at the Canyons, Ive been slacking on my own workouts so its very motivating to be around the group again. 
WU/JM x 10min
One Arm Rows x 10L/10R 5 sets
Suitcase Deadlift x 10L/10R 5 sets
Push-ups x 10 5sets
High Plank x 30" 5sets
Static Lunges 20"L/20"R with rack hold 5 sets
Clean and Press x 10L/ 10R 3 sets
Tabata 2H Swing
rest 1'
Tabata H2H Swing

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Aggressive Strength

Inspired by Mike Mahlers "Aggressive Strength" workouts
Double Clean and Press (2x 12kg)
Incline Rows
Rest 1min
Double Front Squat (2x 12kg)
Double Swing(2x 12kg)
Rest 1min
5Left/ 5 Right
16kg TGU
5Left/ 5Right
16kg Windmill

Presses felt good- first time since injuring my shoulder.  Think Im finally on the mend, still bothered by push-ups, chin-ups and dips.  No problem with the TGUs or Windmills Ill move back up to 20kgs next time.

Picked up the keys to the new gym today- super excited and nervous -there is a lot of work ahead of me.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

At Home Workout

Worked out from home today-
Density Pull ups x 20min= 70
95lb Deadlift 5 x 10
Hindu Squats 30secs x 5 sets
Tabata Jump Squats
KB Floor Press x 20
Dead Clean x 10L 10R x 3 sets

Sunday, June 12, 2011

3 Mile Fire

Working out with 3 Mile Fire Dept. then back to Goosetown for work for the week.
WU/JM x 15min
Heart = Swing Left and Right side
Diamond = Snatch Pull Left and Right side
Spade= Push-Ups
Club= Low Lunge
Face Cards use double kettlebells where applies
Jokers= 12 burpees

When all is done:
95 of each exercise on each side( thanks Mat G.)
I was excited to finish this with the 16kg  doing 10 of the snatches with a 30lb do to my callous ripping open.
This the first time I was able to do push-ups in a long time, my shoulder feels pretty good, it started to hurt so I did about 12 of the 95 push ups from my knees.
Pat and Nick are stepping it up with double 20kgs. thats not easy when doing that many snatches.
Think we are all getting pretty strong.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Thurs. June 9

Feeling pretty tired from work, not very motivated to workout.
We hike for 10hrs a day in a wetland, its tough walking through
the bogs and tufts.

WU.JM x10min
5 sets
Pull up x 5
Deadlift 95lbs x10

3 Sets
Double 12kg Military Press x 10
Push ups x 10

3 Sets
Double 12kg Snatch x 10
Two Arm rows x 75lbs x 10

2 Sets
KB Floor Wipers x 20
Pistol Squat x 5L/ 5R

Tuesday, June 7, 2011


Still in Goosetown
GS Set
WU/JM x 10m
OAJLC 16kg
1min r/l rest 1min
2min r/l rest 1min
1min r/l rest 1min
Did this circuit 3 times
Heavy bag between sets

30"2Hswing 30"rest
30" Right Swing 30" rest
30" Left Swing 30"
30" H2H Swing 30"
Did this circuit for 10min

Monday, June 6, 2011

Monday June 6

Im out of town for two weeks, so today I worked out at the Goosetown Health Club in Ananaconda.
Not much time to workout

Double Snatch x 10 3sets
Man Makers x 5 2 sets
Floor  Wipers x 20
TGU x 6/6
Worked on the heavy bag 10min

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Saturday June 4

WU/JMx 10min
Pre workout
Olympic Bar no weights
OH Squat x 10
Hang Snatch x 10
Power Clean x 10
Clean and Jerk x 10

Workout  5 sets
Deadlift x 10 -95lbs
Pull Up x AMAP
Man Makers x 5

I will be out of town for the next two weeks, not sure I will have internet access.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

3 Mile Fire Dept.

10 min. WU/JM
AMRAP in 12 minutes
5 snatch L/R
5 Thrusters L/R
5 Swings L/R
10 Burpees
Rest 2 min
AMRAP in 12 minutes
5 Cleans L/R
5 Jerks L/R
5 Lunges L/R
10 Push-ups

5 minutes of TGU
I used 16kg for this workout except with the Thrusters I went down to 12kg to keep my shoulder happy.
I worked out with these guys so I will do my previous post tomorrow.  Might bring the deadlifts down to 5 reps and do multiple sets.

Iron Sport Fitness will begin classes on July 11th

Bullet Gym

Yesterday I visited Bullet Gym in Missoula for an Olympic Lifting lesson.
I love this gym, nothing warm and fuzzy about it- just weights and heavy bags.  Not a single eliptical in the place-warms my heart.  This is exactly how I want my gym to look.  If you're in the Missoula area and want oly lessons or just want a really cool place to work out go to Bullet Gym!!!

So today I will practice oly lifts with my barbell no weights on it.
Then I will do a Danny Evans style workout:
Pull ups and Deadlifts
Pull ups x 2 or 3 every minute for 20 minutes
Deadllifts 95lbs x 10
              110lbs x 10
              125lbs x 10
              110lbs x 10
                95lbs x 10