
OHS-Over head squats 2HS-Two hand swings 1HS-One hand swing CP-Clean and Press PP-Push Press MP-Military Press CJ-Clean and Jerk OALC-One arm long cycle TGU-Turkish Get-Up WU/JM-warm up and joint mobility AMRAP-as many rounds as possible

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Paleo Diet

Started my Paleo "Diet" today which is not much different from the way I eat anyway.  I had to make a few adjustments to my breakfast.  I have mentioned earlier that I can't handle eggs first thing in morning, they make me nausous and I get hungry shortly after eating them so I had been eating Museli instead.  This I had to change so today for breakfast I chopped up walnuts and almonds-about 3oz- and cooked them in 1/4 cup of water with blueberries, cinnamon and ginger. I also had a banana.  It had a similar consistancy to my oatmeal but without the grain.  I felt full for a good three hours at which time I had 2 scrambled eggs with ground pepper and red pepper flakes.  Lunch I will have an avacado and chicken, dinner will be the usual elk steak and steamed veggies.  I will cut out rice, which is not a staple in my diet anyway.  I yam confused on the yams; in the paleo book it says to do away with them but in the paleo cookbook they are ok.  I love yams and think they will stay in my diet.  I dont have a huge sweet tooth but when i do crave sweets I find steeped ginger root helps and usually have a cup after dinner.  This also aids in digestion.  Im not sure I can give up my morning cup of "go juice" but I will cut down on the honey I add.  Dairy is officially out-yogurt was the only dairy I had eaten in a while anyway, I know almond milk wasn't in paleo times but I will use that in my coffee instead of milk. I always eat an apple at 2:30, I have done that everyday for years now.

I am fortunate to live in a state that protects and promotes the traditional hunter-gatherer life style.  My freezer is stocked with wild game meat and we still have huckleberries from the fall.  Trout streams are prolific and I have a huge veggie garden which is starting to produce the first greens of the seasons. There are many small farms to get fresh eggs and free range chickens. ( It is important that the chicken you buy is free range so that they are able to eat the insects they were meant eat not just grains. )  Thinking of getting my own chickens.  If I can learn to be a better fisherman that we will be pretty set.
I will still have beer night once a week.

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