
OHS-Over head squats 2HS-Two hand swings 1HS-One hand swing CP-Clean and Press PP-Push Press MP-Military Press CJ-Clean and Jerk OALC-One arm long cycle TGU-Turkish Get-Up WU/JM-warm up and joint mobility AMRAP-as many rounds as possible

Friday, April 13, 2012

Friday the 13th

Its Friday the 13th and we are getting scary strong.  Classes will do workout posted yesterday.

Joint mobility x 15min
warm up x 10min

20kg x7min at 4rpm pausing for 5 seconds in the overhead, rack and bottom positon.

Run x 30min

Yesterday Food
5am coffee and honeydue
6:45 3 eggs and veggies
11:30 Celery and carrots with almond butter and shredded coconut
3:00 Pear and mint tea
3:45 Avacado with chopped walnuts and cinnamon (mixed to pudding like consistancy-Very Good!)
7:30 Large salad, steamed asparagus and elk burger
8:30 1/4 Dagoba 75% dark chocolate bar and chammomile tea.

1 comment:

  1. Did not get to run however, I did rearrange the gym by myself in 30min which felt like cardio and I lifted and moved every single weight in the place including 10 45# plates and stacks and stacks of other sizes and kettlebells and water filled punching bags. SO Im calling it!
