
OHS-Over head squats 2HS-Two hand swings 1HS-One hand swing CP-Clean and Press PP-Push Press MP-Military Press CJ-Clean and Jerk OALC-One arm long cycle TGU-Turkish Get-Up WU/JM-warm up and joint mobility AMRAP-as many rounds as possible

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Train towards a goal!

Back from Colorado and feeling pretty psyched about passing the Level 2 test.  Ive put a year of thought and training in to that test and it paid off.  I programmed my cycles of training to properly progress my strength, endurance and strength endurance.  For the last month I brought my focus into two lifts, the double jerk and the snatch, by the time test day rolled around I was able to complete it fairly easily with only my triceps feeling a burn.  Im ready to start a new cycle of training to prepare for competition in May.  Im starting with a month of basic strength, pulling a program from Mike Mahler's "Aggressive Strength Manual".  For the month of March this will be 70% of my programing and doing 20% assistant drills and 10% GS lifts.  As the competition draws closer this ratio will change spending minmal time on pure strength and more time on GS.  Towards the last month of training I will focus 80% of my time on the Clean and Jerk(Long Cycle).

No matter what your goal is, you have to train specifically for that goal.  If you are a triathelete then you better base your programming for running, swimming and biking with some assisted lifts to prevent injury and to maximize efficiency.  Dont fall into the trap of random acts of variety.  Same if you are training for fat loss, train as though you are an athlete and know that 80% of program is training your diet, strenght train to support and enhance that goal.  Dont expect to things to happen over night!  Like I said I spent a year planning and training to get through an 8min set, you would think years of KB training in general would prepare me for that.  If I didnt train specifically for that test I would never have made it.  It would be the same as training for a triathon and never running or training for fat loss and not changing my diet.  It just doesnt work.  Pick 1 goal, train hard, be disiplined, dont worry about little failures along the way and you wont be dissapointed.

JM x 10min

Low position bench #85
Renegade Row 2x16kg

2x20kg Front Squat
115#  RDL

16kg MP
Pull Up

5 sets back to back no rest
24kg 2H Swing x 10
5 Push Ups

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