
OHS-Over head squats 2HS-Two hand swings 1HS-One hand swing CP-Clean and Press PP-Push Press MP-Military Press CJ-Clean and Jerk OALC-One arm long cycle TGU-Turkish Get-Up WU/JM-warm up and joint mobility AMRAP-as many rounds as possible

Thursday, September 20, 2012

IKFF Nationals

With Nationals only 2 months away I figured I should start posting shit again so I remain accountable for my training.(Not that I havent been keeping up)
I realized Ive been training the OAJLC exclusively since November of 2011 when I started training for IKFF Level 2 cert.  Since then Ken Blackburn has graciously taken the wheel and propelled me beyond any of my own expectations.  My hope of course is to make Master of Sport but I know that is a little out of reach at this point in my training.  I do however feel CMS is totally doable and Im already there in my mind.  I will continue to train for MS but will be very pleased with a CMS ranking.

With that said todays GS set was craptastic, or so I thought at the moment.
As prescribed I was to do max reps in 6min(3min R/3min L) I wanted to get 66 reps ended up with 62.  I had a little temper tantrum, dropped a bunch of F bombs, through my wrist wraps on the ground packed up my shit and left the gym and didnt finish the rest of my workout.  As I thought more about it 62 was pretty damn good.  Attitude check in the works.

I will finish GS tomorrow and worked on GPP at home.
Dead Lift
135 x 3
155 x 1
165 x1
180 x5
155 x5

BB Front Squat 115# 5x3
Pull Up 5x4

Push Up
One Arm Row

28kg 2HSwing x 10
16kg Chair Press x 5/5
28kg Swing x 10
2x12kg Press x 5
28kg  Swing x 10
2x12kg See Saw Press x 5/5
28kg Swing x 10
16kg Windmill x 10
28kg Swing x 10
16kg Windmill x 10
28kg Swing x 10

And now Im excited for my Stout soaked and smoked elk steam. OH HELL YEAH!